Thursday, November 4, 2010


Well its raining and supposed to rain most of the day today and I have been sort of non-productive on the quilting front the past few days...well...there are a few good reasons at least...doing my civic duty on Tuesday and of course work everyday. I was looking through pics on my old computer and found few goodies I hadn't seen in awhile:
This is a quilt I made for my daughter, for Christmas, back in 2004. It was quilted diagonally across the blocks but hadn't been bound yet. And...

This is a quilt I made for my brand new (at the time) nephew in November 2004. This one was outline quilted but of course, at the time of this picture, hadn't been bound yet. Didn't do terribly well as far as documenting is concerned. See these are the only two pictures I have of these quilts. No connecting block process and no finally finished pics. I have no idea why I didn't take a final picture of them... knowing me, I was trying to finish them on a deadline and was rushing.

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