Thursday, July 21, 2011

Not quite done

Didn't quite finish the ornament wall quilt over the weekend. With any luck I'll shoot for this weekend. Here is how far I did get though...

The appliques were sewn together in rows that look like this.

Then the rows were sewn together, seams pressed open, which became the basic top. It takes a little more time to press your seams open but I love the way the tops lays flat.

I then made some smaller ornaments and added those to the top which came out to look like this.

I could just leave the top as is or add small templates to the outer edges, but I'm not sure which one I will do. I keep walking in and out of my sewing room, looking at the top on my design wall, waiting for it to 'speak' to me. I'm pretty sure that I will be on my own making this decision, though.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Ornament Wall Quilt

Ok, back to my quilting drawing board. It s been a minute (a very long one) but I was able to get back in my sewing room for awhile (man I missed it). Here is the start of my new project starts with this template:

Using these fabrics and a few others:

They turn into appliques that look like this one:

My aim of course is to complete the quilt this weekend. We'll see. Wish me luck!